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Enterprise Content Management Blog

Electronic Signatures in Wealth Management Narrowing Gap in Closing Table Process

Electronic Signatures in Wealth Management Narrowing Gap in Closing Table Process

We always talk about millennials. And rightly so – they’re quite the disruptors. But there’s a different generation that’s about to start making waves of its own: Baby Boomers. As the baby boomers (people ranging from age 52-70) age, the US is going to witness the largest passing of wealth in history.

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Improve Client Onboarding for Banks With These Four Levels of Visibility

Just like how Donkey in “Shrek” was eager to arrive at the Far Far Away Kingdom, banking customers are eager to complete the onboarding process and use their banking services.

To quiet customer questions, banks need to have an efficient, transparent onboarding process. We encourage our partners to leverage enterprise content management tools that create four levels of visibility into the onboarding process so their customers don’t have to ask how much longer? or is the process done yet?

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5 Content Management Myths Every Insurance Provider Should Know

5 Content Management Myths Every Insurance Provider Should Know

Managing insurance claims content is a complex process that many insurers struggle with on a daily basis. Massive amounts of incoming content call for efficient systems that all too often fail to get the job done. Here are some common myths surrounding this process and supporting facts to debunk them.

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