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Poor Visibility in The Mortgage Process Driving Customers to Abandon Onboarding

Poor Visibility in The Mortgage Process Driving Customers to Abandon Onboarding

Mystification is typically not a word that I like to associate with a process – especially if the process involves my money. Unfortunately, “mystification” best-fits my mortgage experience. I started the journey towards my dream home with what looked like a path of gold stones in front of me. I would take a step and stumble backward disappointed because I realized it was fool’s gold. I constantly had to ask my Loan Officer the same four questions over and over…

Top Challenges for Mortgage Lenders: Wasted Time Driving Customer Abandonment

Top Challenges for Mortgage Lenders: Wasted Time Driving Customer Abandonment

In order for you to understand this story, there’s something you should know about me: I am a little bit of a control freak. Okay you got me – it’s more than a little bit, I am a control freak. I like to understand processes, timelines and next steps and control them as much as possible. I schedule my day out to maximize efficiency, I hate being late, and I try to always be one step ahead. This is not a story of efficiency and timeliness though.

Banking Industry Trends: 5 Things Not to Do

Banking Industry Trends: 5 Things Not to Do

It feels like the banking industry changes every day. I’m constantly told new trends, technologies and predictions, what to do, and who to target. It’s easy to get weighed down by everything. To gain some clarity and hear from true experts, our Banking and Financial Services Team, including myself, attended and sponsored American Banker’s Digital Banking 2016 in New Orleans.

Improve Client Onboarding for Banks With These Four Levels of Visibility

Just like how Donkey in “Shrek” was eager to arrive at the Far Far Away Kingdom, banking customers are eager to complete the onboarding process and use their banking services.

To quiet customer questions, banks need to have an efficient, transparent onboarding process. We encourage our partners to leverage enterprise content management tools that create four levels of visibility into the onboarding process so their customers don’t have to ask how much longer? or is the process done yet?