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Author: Dayna Carlin

COVID-19 Forcing Change for Financial Institutions

COVID-19 Forcing Change for Financial Institutions

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced industries around the world to reshape how they do business. To understand the effects this pandemic is having on the banking and finance industry and determine how financial institutions can combat them, we sat down with our very own Bruce Switzer, Banking and Financial Services Principal, and Marty Gulewicz, Banking and Financial Engagement Manager, to talk about what they are seeing within the banking and financial landscape since COIVD came into play. 

What Does IBM Business Automation Workflow (BAW) Mean for Case Manager Users

What Does IBM Business Automation Workflow (BAW) Mean for Case Manager Users

As the new IBM Business Automation Workflow has many great capabilities, a lot of IBM Case Manager clients are asking themselves what does this mean to my existing Case Manager environments, do we need to upgrade, what will happen? What is different?

Watch this 20 minute webinar to learn how IBM BAW affects existing Case Manager environments.

Seven Common Misconceptions About Robotic Process Automation

Seven Common Misconceptions About Robotic Process Automation

Robotic process automation (RPA) allows organizations to automate certain business processes within their company in order to increase efficiency and improve ROI. Despite RPA becoming a well-known automation technology in recent years there’s still a lot of confusion about what exactly RPA is and what capabilities it has.  

To help combat some of the misunderstandings surrounding RPA, we’ve outlined seven common misconceptions and explained the reality of this software. 

5 RPA Use Cases

5 RPA Use Cases

You know RPA can equate to time and cost savings. You think it sounds like a good fit for your company, but where do you start?

Watch our on-demand webinar as we pinpoint 5 use cases for RPA within Higher Education.