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Just-in-time delivery. In-line vehicle sequencing. Sequential parts delivery. No matter what you call it, automotive sequencing is no longer an optional capability if you want to succeed in the automotive part supply business.

No longer a question of if but when, the demand for more parts to be produced and shipped in the right sequence at the right time, has become a basic business requirement.

Today, this ever-expanding list of components includes: door panels, consoles, instrument panels, seats sets, overhead systems, front end modules, door modules and axles, to just name a few.

What does this mean for you as a supplier? It means you have to have the necessary infrastructure and systems in place to produce and deliver that way — right part, right sequence, right timeframe. And what’s the right timeframe? The one your customer demands of course.

The good news is that automotive sequencing reduces inventory levels for both the supplier and the OEM. For suppliers, the space that was once dedicated to inventory storage can now be used more effectively as revenue-generating production space. For OEMs, automotive sequencing eliminates supply chain complexity and reduces the costs associated with having inventory on hand.

Are you taking advantage of these “new normal” sequencing requirements? We’re helping many suppliers and OEMs put the benefits to work for their businesses. Get in touch with us to learn how we can help you too.