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Just released today and the only one of its kind, Medical Extraction is clearing the way for life insurers and reinsurers to obtain accelerated underwriting programs by leveraging optical character recognition (OCR), natural language processing, AI and more.

Medical Extraction — developed specifically for life underwriting — helps providers cut the time it takes to approve or deny applicants by 70%. It ingests and pulls all the documents related to a policy application then cognitively captures, extracts and classifies the data to give underwriters visibility into decision-critical information. Underwriters can then quickly assess an applicant’s risk level and approve or deny the application.

It extracts over 1,000 different data points from insurance applications, third-party systems, paramed exams, attending physician statements, and more, then uses natural language processing to interpret the context around the data to accurately bookmark and present the information in intuitive, easy-to-assess timelines, bar charts and scatter plots.

Medical Extraction Document Capture Solution

Rather than underwriters sifting through page after page of medical reports or APSs looking for anything risky, Medical Extraction automates this task by flagging:

  • Diagnosis of cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • And more

“Download Medical Extraction: The First Step in the Journey to Accelerated Underwriting” to discover how Medical Extraction can pave the way for an accelerated underwriting program at your organization. 

Medical Extraction Capabilities

  • Smart processing to identify any diagnoses related to the top three leading causes of death
  • Identifies and flags handwriting
  • Built-in machine learning
  • Process unstructured documents
  • Pulls and supplements applicant information with data from:
    • Medical Index Bureau information (MIB)
    • Prescription information (IntelliScript)
    • Healthcare provider systems (HL7 data)
    • Insurance Activity Index (IAI)
  • Seamlessly integrates into various SORs and underwriting systems
  • Fully equipped with pre-built reports

If you’d like to see a demo of Medical Extraction or you have questions, fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you ASAP.